豆の挽きやすさと細部にわたる美観を追求した『MokuNeji COFFEE MILL』は毎日のコーヒーライフをより豊かにしてくれるアイテムです。熟練した技術を持つ木工轆轤(ろくろ)の木地師の創り出す曲線によって、持ちやすさと安定性、プロポーションの美しさを実現することができました。本体中央は3条ねじ構造となっており、ワンタッチで開閉が可能となっています。機械部分はコーヒー用具メーカーとして定評のあるカリタ社が製造をしています。経験に裏打ちされた、豆の挽き易さと堅牢性に優れたミル機に仕上がりました。
『MokuNeji COFFEE MILL』was created through our passionate pursuit of making an ultra smooth & easy milling machine with a beautiful appearance intact. It is sure to make your coffee life richer and more pleasurable. Only through the hands of the skilled artisan with a wood lathe technique, was it possible for the MokuNeji COFFEE MILL to have such an intricately calculated curbs that enabled easy holding with the graceful balanced shape.The machine part is made by a well known coffee maker manufacturer, Kalita Co., Ltd. Backed by their experience, we have created surpassingly smooth and durable milling machine.
※Please be aware that grinding when mill is empty will damage the teeth. Turning the handle in the opposite direction (left turn) may also cause damage to the mill. ※Standard volume of beans to be milled at a time is approx. 30g ※When caring for the mill, do not wash with water, but wipe with dry cloth.※There is an individual difference to the pattern of the grain of wood due to the natural nature of the wood. Please enjoy such unique beauty.

Painting : Wood part・Walnut oil finished
Capacity:30g approx. (Volume of coffee beans to be milled at a time)
Design : Yamasaki Hiroshi

Painting : Wood part・Urushi lacquer finished, Black
Design : Yamasaki Hiroshi

Painting : Walnut oil finished

Painting : Urushi lacquer finished, Black